Making a complaint

Complaint process

If a complaint arises during the course of your dealings with Pink Pig we have an internal process for handling complaints in relation to products and services we issue. AWN Insurance, the provider of Pig Pink products, also belongs to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) which is an External Dispute Resolution Scheme approved by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, to which you can take any unresolved complaint against Pink Pig (This is conditional that the dispute is within the scheme's terms of reference).

Pink Pig is committed to responding to complaints and disputes in a way that is;

  • Prompt and efficient;
  • Consistent with the law and applicable to all legislative codes of our industry; and
  • Fair to everyone involved.

The Process

Pink Pig has established a 2 stage system for all complaints. A brief description is as follows.

Stage 1: Internal Dispute Process

All complaints in the first instance should be directed to the insurance provider, AWN Insurance:

Internal Dispute Resolution Committee, AWN

Post: PO Box 4301, Loganholme Qld 4129

Once a complaint has been received by the Internal Dispute Resolution Committee (IDRC) they will investigate it competently, diligently and impartially. The IDRC will assess the subject matter of the complaint, whether the complaint should be upheld and what remedial action or redress (or both) may be appropriate. We will forward the complaint to the underwriter if required.

At all times the investigation of this stage of the process will;

  • advise you of the outcome of your complaint in writing; and
  • advise you of the reason for our decision with reference to any relevant provision of the applicable terms and conditions and information we relied upon making our decision.

To assist us in dealing with your complaint, please provide as much information as possible about the reasons for your complaint, including your product number.

They will provide an acknowledgment of a complaint in writing within 24 hours or one business day of receiving it, or as soon as practicable and do our utmost to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction within 10 business days.

All efforts will be made to contact the complainant and attempt to resolve the matter to each party's satisfaction, if this is not possible then a written response to the complainant will happen within 30 calendar days provided we have all necessary information and have completed any investigation required.

The final response may be issued by either AWN or the underwriter depending on who has the responsibility for the product. As the complainant, you will only receive one issued response stepping out the findings of their complaint.

If required the contact details for the relevant underwriters are:

Lloyd's Australia Limited

Post: Level 16, Suite 1603 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000

Complaint management delays

We are not required to provide a complainant with an IDR response within the relevant maximum IDR timeframe if certain circumstances exist. If this is the case we will contact the complainant directly and go through the reasons and provide an "IDR delay notification" that informs the complainant about:

  1. the reasons for the delay;
  2. their right to complain to AFCA if they are dissatisfied; and
  3. the contact details for AFCA.

Stage 2: External Dispute Resolution Scheme

If the Internal Dispute Process decision does not resolve the customer's complaint to their satisfaction, the customer may wish to take their complaint to the External Dispute Resolution Scheme.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority is an independent body with the power to investigate disputes and make decisions that are binding on AWN, as long as the dispute falls within their terms of reference. The Australian Financial Complaints Authority must act in a way that is fair to all parties. This external dispute resolution scheme is free but is only available after the internal dispute process has been completed. You may contact AFCA at any time during the complaints handling process for information including whether or not, your complaint or dispute falls within their terms of reference, at:

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)

Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne Victoria 3001

Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)


If the complaint is not covered by the terms of reference of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, the client will be advised of other options for resolution.

External dispute resolution determinations made by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority are binding upon AWN in accordance with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority terms of reference. If the Australian Financial Complaints Authority advises the customer that the Australian Financial Complaints Authority Terms of Reference do not extend to their dispute, they can seek independent legal advice or access any other external dispute resolution options that may be available to them.

General Insurance Code of Practice

The Insurance Council of Australia Limited has developed the General Insurance Code of Practice, which is a self-regulatory code for use by all insurers. The Code aims to raise the standards of practice and service in the insurance industry. AWN Insurance and their authorised representative Pink Pig has adopted the Code.

We will use the Code process in regards to Stage 1 and 2 of the Complaint and Dispute Process. Please refer to Part 11: Complaints, of the Code for a more detailed explanation of the process.